Patterns inspired by travel and adventure

A photo of me at Telegraph Cove, BC wearing a crochet jacket and earrings

Me at Telegraph Cove, BC. Wearing my Blooming Bomber jacket by Katie Jones

Welcome, fellow wanderers and yarn enthusiasts, to my corner of the web where travel meets the art of knitting and crochet! If you're like me, you believe that every adventure is made even more memorable with a touch of handmade magic. That's why I’ve curated a Pinterest board of travel-themed knit and crochet patterns – perfect for the explorer at heart.

Whether you're dreaming of a European escapade, a beachside retreat, or a journey through the wilderness, these patterns will transport you to far-off lands with every stitch.

I’ve linked to all the patterns and designers that I specifically mention, so please go and show them some support too! I hope you find a pattern that inspires you.

The World!

When it comes to travel -the world is your oyster! So why not make an item of the world map? The Adventure tee by E Claire Makery looks like such an awesome crochet pattern. I’ve had it in my Instagram ‘Saved’ folder ever since it came out. Writing this blog post has reminded me of it!

In scrolling Pinterest, I have also found many more ‘world’ patterns, from this amazing wall-hanging  by Katherine of Eye Love Crochet UA (that I now feel very compelled to make for my bedroom!) to cushion covers and pouches.

Check out this flag and globe crochet blanket too, although sadly, after doing a bit of digging around, I couldn’t find anything more than this image on Pinterest.

An image of the pattern designer wearing the crochet adventure tea top

The Adventure top by ECLAIREMAKERY.COM (Image is the designers)


Landscape inspired patterns capture the beauty of nature and the scenery you have visited (or perhaps lucky enough to live amongst!) From the haze of the desert to snow-capped mountains, this can be captured through knit and crochet patterns. 

In my research (aka browsing Pinterest) I came across many landscape-themed designs, from infinite oceans to rolling hills. You can view them all on the Pinterest board I curated, but to highlight just a few:  I also saw sweaters of a landscape designs be referred to as ‘sweaterscapes’! 

Also check out this Cool Cactus wallhanging by Amber of Divine Debris and the Mountain blanket by Of Mars.


It’s rare to travel without some form of transport! From sailing to flying everyone has their preferred way of seeing the world. For me, my preference is a campervan. There’s nothing I’ve enjoyed more than road trips. Having our little home of wheels, parking up for the night and waking up the next day, not sure what the day will bring you.  The ultimate dream would be to do it all in a class VW camper. 

Speaking of which, this VW Campervan by MillionBells is so cute. The perfect gift for any van lifer that you know.

Amigurumi VW campervan by Million Bells

Amigurumi VW campervan by Million Bells

Places of interest

It doesn’t just have to be landscapes that inspire. I have found many other knit and crochet designs inspired by places of interest. Have you seen Sam Barsky? I found his account on Instagram a couple of years ago - he knits sweaters of locations he’s visited, from theatres to cities, it’s very impressive! 

Jake Hanzler (Boy Knits World) has several designs inspired by architecture, including the buildings of Amsterdam and the (albeit fictional) Grand Budapest Hotel.

I even found a a whole book dedicated to knitting iconic landmarks of London and New York!

Image on the Amsterdam Building Blocks by Boy Knits World

Amsterdam Building Blocks by Boy Knits World.

One last thing before you go- I also found this super cool blog post by Kalsey Jane Designs, where she created yarn palettes based on US National Parks. There’s some beautiful collections there, so I recommend checking that out! 

So what will you be making? This has certainly made my project queue a lot longer! Tell me in the comments :)

Here’s a link again to my Pinterest board, if you have a Pinterest accout, don’t forget to give me a follow to see more posts like these.


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